I was going to say, if you burn cold then it's not cold anymore, but then I forgot that it's the common cold that you're talking about. :)

Wait, so split was deprecated in favor of explode, but join lives on as an alias of implode?

Former client comes yelling at us because the site is down. I check, it's because the SSL certificate has expired.

Switching them to Let's Encrypt. :P

Ah, that's better, but there are still <br> s :(

Either that or use a more conservative regex like /#[a-zA-Z0-9]+/ that only allows those characters in a hashtag. You'll be excluding emoji and stuff though

it's not a matter of smartness, I think -- you just need to tweak the parser to ignore things inside <pre> or <code> blocks

Yikes, that's not how I wanted it to come out

~w(one two three) |> Enum.map(&"#{&1}!!")
=> ["one!!", "two!!", "three!!"]


$array = array("one", "two", "three");
return array_map(function($e) {
 return $e . "!!";
}, $array);