I think my next project after PrivateLog stabilizes will be a recipe site / meal suggestion engine. We'll see.

@height8 Did you get a "upgrade for free" email?

6.4 but only 10km directly under a town… That must've been really scary.


Looking at it like that seems like it should be a higher number for 7 hours of work, heh. I'm too slow. :-/

52 files changed, 500 insertions(+), 258 deletions(-)

The damage I've done today

I thought it was a plugin?

Blowing through these issues today. I've closed more than 10. :)

virtual DOMs are really all the rage these days.


I've done some research, and it looks like it might be an OS issue… Sorry about that. Does the camera one work? With the settings I have enabled now, it should show "Camera" and "Gallery", but it looks like for some reason, your phone is showing "Documents" instead of "Gallery"… :-/

Trying out this Safari Technology Preview thing…