Yeah. Although I'll probably be more involved with management, architectural design and development rather than ops.

Going to work at a startup that I used to do some freelance work for awhile ago, as the lead engineer. We'll see how it goes…

Yikes. Sounds good. Actually, I'm changing jobs again, starting the new job next week.

You can sell a 20 year old house in Japan for the price of the land. It's not uncommon especially in Tokyo to buy a property where the price of the land is 2-6x the cost of the building on top of the land


:waves: how's things?

It was! Nope. She was pretty surprised. "What do you mean it's an ACTIVE volcano?" "Yeah, it last erupted like a year ago" "!?!?!" heh

So, how's everyone?

Yeah, I've been having this problem on my timelines as well :( I sent you an email

Heh, same last and first name? I wonder how many people in Japan have the same last and first name as me…

We're all good! We just stayed around Tokyo for the holidays. Went to Hakone with my mother who was visiting from the US last weekend. :) How are you?