@matigo I have a few points of feedback on the structure of the API itself:
probably belongs in an authorization header and not in the POST payload (although this may be for compatibility reasons)- Using the same endpoint to both update and create posts is probably not a good idea. Following REST usually results in cleaner, easier to grok APIs.. I mean, we have:
POST /content/write (without postid) => creates a new post
POST /content/write (with postid) => updates an existing post
POST /content/star/{postid} (with postid in the payload as well) => stars a post, unless it's already starred. If it's already starred, it will unstar.
If I were to do it (I'm not saying that you must do this!), I'd have implemented it like:
POST /posts => creates a new post
PATCH /posts/{postid} => updates an existing post
POST /posts/{postid}/star => creates the star
DELETE /posts/{post_id}/star => deletes the star