@matigo huh. maybe it's because I'm wearing glasses. or because I tweaked my display? hm. never mind me…
My wife is the lead organizer of this year's WordCamp Tokyo [2016.tokyo.wordcamp.org] :)
Sponsor tiers start at ~$1000 complete with a booth… I may just sponsor the event for the publicity haha.
Closed two issues, opened two others. Hey, at least the percentage of closed issues for this particular milestone has gone up.
@streakmachine My "YouTube" link goes directly to the subscriptions -- I don't know what to do about the mobile app, though. Heh.
@matigo But lots of people like the game, so where there's a will there's a way, I suppose. There's even someone who replaced the stock aerodynamics model with a much more realistic one that takes in to account things like supersonic effects, etc : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php
@matigo I'm not sure, I've only tried a tiny tiny bit a long time ago. It's all .NET and I have no idea where the KSP API documentation is (I don't think most of it is documented… haha)