Is it a retina model or regular resolution? I'd stay away from the regular resolution one just because it's very, very heavy (it even has a disc drive!) if I were you. That said, you'd be able to replace the disc drive with an additional SSD, but that won't do any favors for battery life.


that bug was triggered by using a triple back tick for a pre block of code though

no, that's what the ad blocker is adding

Pretty cool.

Image upload

2012-12-28 12.41.09.jpg

Oops, there's a bug. :P

looks like my ad blocker is adding this to the stylesheet:

#content > #center > .dose > .dosesingle,
#content > #right > .dose > .dosesingle
{display:none !important;}

andthat's what's blocking the advanced panel

Not sure yet. Maybe an app.

I see. Will be looking forward to it. :)